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Shuttle Services

As long as the kids we pick up go to Ada schools, and there will be an adult or someone of the age of 13 and up at the home they will be dropped off at, that meets our criteria.

It is $5/kid/day. (Add. $2 / 5 miles out of town) Pick up occurs at the time the kids get out of school between 2:40 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. The kids will be dropped off between 2:40 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. dependent on where they're drop off location is on the route.

Road snacks may or may not be provided. Booster seats are provided. Car seats are not provided.

There are guidelines for behaviors and reports of misbehaving can be found on the app. Upon three or more reports of similar behaviors on multiple days the child may face an increased rate or suspension.

In order to be on the pickup list for the next week, your account balance must be positive.
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